The Holy Spirit Within: Homilies at Ascension and Pentecost
“Who is poor? He is poor who mistrusts himself and relies only on God: he is poor who mistrusts his own opinions and strength, his own gifts, his own powers; he is poor who knows his own vileness, his own littleness; who knows he is a worm and full of corruption, and with all this relies only on God for protection and believes that God’s mercy is so great that He will not leave him without His consolation.” p. 8
“The Holy Spirit will not come until you have renounced an excessive love of human beings. The Holy Spirit wishes to be alone with you.” p. 10
“What is necessary so that the Holy Spirit may come to our souls? Not only must we desire Him, but we must get ready our house and have it spotless for Him. You do as much when you are expecting a guest. But since the guest that you are awaiting is infinitely pure, how much more necessary that your soul should be unspotted, that your thoughts, your words, your deeds should be free from evil and that you should be adorned with all virtues.” p. 11
“The doctors of the Church say that one of the chief causes of Jesus Christ’s departure was the apostle’s great love for His sacred humanity. “Let Him go away,” says the Holy Spirit, and “then I will come.” Thou art jealous, Oh Holy Spirit! And of Whom? Of the pure flesh which was conceived by Yourself?” p. 43
“It was not for nothing that Jesus Christ ordered His holy apostles not to preach His Gospel to the world until they had received the Holy Spirit.” p. 47
“God has called you to a certain state of life and in it you must gain salvation. Be conscientious about doing your duty, and He will give you the grace of salvation. The devil will never let you be contented if you are leading a holy life, but will make you dissatisfied in order that you may lose the peace of mind you should feel in the state to which God has called you. He will make you hope and long for what cannot be, for the impossible.” p. 55
“Have patience in the difficulties arising from your marriage, and turn them to merit by offering them to heaven; have the strength to throw these heavy weights of lead higher than the sky. Any little trouble that may occur in your home, any inconvenience, any unpleasantness you may meet with, the bad temper you have to put up with from wife or husband, or employer, or those around you, in the difficulty you may have in supporting yourself and your family, say: “For love of You, Lord, I take pleasure in undergoing this trial!” Raise your eyes and your heart to God, commend yourself to Him, off Him your difficulties, and I tell you truly that you will receive in exchange great reward. Offer Him your sleep, the food you eat, what you drink, let all you do and suffer be for God. Offer it all to Him, raise it up to Him! If you do this your burden will become light; the lead, the earth, will reach heaven. Do this and it is possible you will gain more merit in a single year than another in ten.” p. 61
“…because I tell you that the greater your sacrifice, the greater temptation the devil will put in your way.” p. 68
“What good is space if your soul is confined.”p. 69
“Finally, if you do not lose sanctifying grace, He will go by your side so that you may neither do, say nor think anything that is not inspired or directed by Him. He will be your faithful and true friend; if you do not leave Him, He will never leave you.” p.83
“Without the Holy Spirit neither baptism nor calling myself a Christian is worth anything. As circumcision was the outward sign of the Jew, so is baptism the outward sign of the Christian, but neither baptism nor anything else can save you if you have not the Holy Spirit.” p. 92
“Those who are baptized and have not the Holy Spirit are children of God, but not legitimate children. They cannot therefore inherit from the Father, because illegitimate children may not inherit, though they may receive gifts. He who is baptized and does not obey God, Our Lord, as also he who has not the Holy Spirit, is not a legitimate child of God.” p. 92
“The reason why so many do not serve God is that they do not understand how much God loves them.” p. 104
“In former times, baptism was administered only on the Feasts of the Resurrection and of the Holy Spirit, so that the people might understand that baptism is a resurrection of the spirit.” p. 108
“There is no comparison between the love of a husband for his wife, of a mother for her child, of a child for its father and the spiritual love Mary feels for us as her adopted children.” p.118
“Understand that if the Holy Spirit comes to you, you will love your neighbors as much as you do your own brothers, and even more than your brothers. “Why?” Because the bond, the link generated in you by the Holy Spirit, is stronger than the ties of blood which make people love only father, mother, brothers, and relations.” p. 118
“It is better to be humble of heart than to give the impression of humility in your outward appearance, for God looks at the heart. A pious exterior does not interest Him; it tends to hide the sanctity of the heart.” p.124
“The Holy Spirit is fire, that He is the ardoer of the heart. When you feel as if there is a flame within you, that your heart is burning with the love of God, that is the Holy Spirit.” p.139
“The chief sign by which you will know that God is with you, is that you will despise everything on earth that is not of God, and your one thought will be to love and please Him, as your only good. And you will know, brother, that the Holy Spirit has come to you if you walk along the path of Jesus Christ, filled with joy and fervor.” p. 143